Profile of james

Jamie xxx

Username: james
First name: James
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Other Areas
Area: Wales
Location: Newport
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 11st 5lbs
Hourly rate: £70
Available for: Incalls & Outcalls
AdultWork profile: n/a
Website: n/a
Phone: 07704311743

About Jamie xxx

Hey my names is James, I have black hair, mixed Caribbean, athletic body.

Jamie xxx's main photo 1
Jamie xxx of Wales
Main photo 1
Jamie xxx's main photo 2
Jamie xxx of Wales
Main photo 2
Jamie xxx's main photo 3
Jamie xxx of Wales
Main photo 3
Profile created at 1:33pm on 22/09/2018
Last updated at 5:11pm on 27/11/2022
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